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Critically Acclaimed After Effects 2
作品集 2


Artifacts for

智慧目標 2 的工件

Artifacts play a crucial role in reshaping the narrative around Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Decolonization, and Anti-racism. It serves as a platform to actively conceptualize and redefine these ideologies, fostering environments that promote fairness, representation, cultural sensitivity, and dismantling systemic biases. 



Artifact 4: Diversity Learning
文物 4:多樣性學習

ETEC 512 offers a survey of classical learning theories such as Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Neural Theories of Learning, and Cognitive and Social Constructivism. The course specifically concentrates on examining their applicability within the context of online learning.

ETEC 512 提供了對經典學習理論的調查,例如行為主義、認知主義、神經學習理論以及認知和社會建構主義。該課程特別側重於研究它們在在線學習背景下的適用性。

Artifact 4
00:00 / 00:18

Rationale 理由

This artifact attempted to design multimodal products to bring inclusivity for different types of learners into the content. Visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and read/write learners have different characteristics, modes of learning, and forms of interaction (Zapalska & Brozik, 2006).

該工件試圖設計多模態產品,將不同類型的學習者的包容性帶入內容中。視覺、聽覺、動覺和讀/寫學習者具有不同的特徵、學習模式和互動形式(Zapalska & Brozik,2006)。

Experience 經驗

The experience was truly valuable. The website and the interactive course were designed with the theory of constructivism, while the latter strengthened student-content interaction (Anderson, 2008). Although the layout of the cooking lesson looked simplistic, multiple theories of critical pedagogy (Carr, 2008), multicultural education (Banks & Banks, 2006), culturally responsive pedagogy (Ladson-Billings, 1995), and UDL were applied to the authentic cooking class which aimed to raise cultural awareness and acceptance from introducing the ethnic cuisine to making the actual dishes. Visual learners benefit from reading the instructions and pictures on the recipe, auditory learners perceive sequential presentation through oral directions, and kinesthetic learners are motivated to have physical interactions with the objects.


Improvement 改善

I should have examined ideas more on individual differences in a diverse learning environment encompass “race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, language, culture, religion, mental and physical ability, class, and immigration status” (UNESCO, 2017, p.7) and Mitchell (2017) identities on more attributes, including family structure, technological accessibility, personality, and geographic location.

我應該更多地研究多元化學習環境中的個體差異,包括“種族、民族、性別、性取向、語言、文化、宗教、心理和身體能力、階級和移民身份”(UNESCO,2017 年,第 7 頁)和 Mitchell(2017 年)關於更多屬性的身份,包括家庭結構、技術可及性、個性和地理位置。

Artifact 5:
Digital Labour


This course explores the evolution of labor, analyzing historical and contemporary transformations while drawing parallels to pre-modern forms of worker exploitation.


Artifact 5
00:00 / 00:20

I was inspired by Gary Vee's transformative approach to communication. He's reshaped the landscape by embracing diverse platforms and championing inclusivity, connecting with people globally. Breaking away from conventional norms, this Key Opinion Leader (KOL) utilizes a range of media, from social media to podcasts, expanding his impact internationally. Gary Vaynerchuk's ability to bridge geographic and cultural gaps fosters a sense of unity and involvement on a worldwide level. His inclusive communication strategy underscores the potency of reaching a diverse audience, making significant content universally accessible.

加里·維(Gary Vaynerchuk)的變革性溝通方法啟發了我。他通過擁抱多元化平台和宣導包容性,與全球人民建立聯繫,重塑了格局。這位關鍵意見領袖 (KOL) 打破了傳統規範,利用從社交媒體到播客的一系列媒體,擴大了他在國際上的影響力。Gary Vaynerchuk 彌合地理和文化差距的能力在世界範圍內培養了一種團結和參與感。他的包容性傳播策略強調了接觸不同受眾的效力,使重要內容普遍可訪問。

When working on this project, I realize that I have had a bias on ethnicity after years of brainwashing by Disney fairy tales. Disney's main female characters, who are Caucasian princesses, always share a pattern of distressed damsels and require princes to save them, while Mulan, a female Asian character, fights for justice on a battlefield. Personality and behaviors projected by these female characters directly inject subjective thoughts into my mind that Asians are associated with resilience, but Caucasians are characterized by romance. Do you have a similar bias after introspecting?



Learners nor teachers can fully address equality to such traits of diversity in a learning environment. Individual differences in a diverse learning environment encompass “race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, language, culture, religion, mental and physical ability, class, and immigration status” (UNESCO, 2017, p.7) and Mitchell (2017) identities more attributes, including family structure, technological accessibility, personality, and geographic location. Perhaps, the less bias and the more acceptance we are open-minded with, the more inclusive the learning environment we create and value.

學習者和教師都無法充分解決學習環境中這種多樣性特徵的平等問題。多元化學習環境中的個體差異包括「種族、民族、性別、性取向、語言、文化、宗教、身心能力、階級和移民身份」(UNESCO,2017,第 7 頁)和 Mitchell(2017 年)身份更多屬性,包括家庭結構、技術可及性、個性和地理位置。也許,偏見越少,我們接受的心態越開放,我們創造和重視的學習環境就越包容。

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